《西方家庭学校经典教材读本:加拿大语文(套装共5册)》继《美国语文》之后的另一套经典原版教材。国内学生提升英语、了解加拿大历史文化的优秀读本。全英文版的加拿大英语教材,分级编写,由初级简单的句式开始,带读者步入优美的英语文学世界。不仅能让国内学生依托教材,全面系统地训练英语,同时,通过书中的故事与文学作品,感受加拿大历史文化,培养良好的阅读兴趣与品味。《西方家庭学校经典教材读本:加拿大语文(套装共5册)》是一套不可多得的英语原版读物。The lessons contained in this set of books are products of experience in the schoolroom. They go forth in the hope of rendering some service to teachers and to children alike.Throughout the work, the children’s point of view has been kept in mind as well as the teacher’s; First of all, they should be a book which children like to read. Every lesson centers about something in which children are interested. All teachers know that the labor of teaching is lessened when the interest of the pupils is assured.The name of the Series testifies to another aim of the book,―to lead to a love of literature. Many of the stories and poems herein contained will be found again and again by the children in the world’s best books. A taste for good things, developed now, will lead the pupils to demand good things when free to choose.Reading enables us to see with the keenest eyes, and listen to the sweetest voices all time. The pupils are to be well-trained through reading these carefully selected readers.